The Hunger Games (Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mocking Jay) - Suzanne Collins ePub

The Hunger Games trilogy is a series of young adult science-fiction adventure novels by Suzanne Collins. The trilogy consists of The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. The first two books in the series were both New York Times best sellers, and Mockingjay topped all US bestseller lists upon its release. By the time the film adaptation of The Hunger Games was released in 2012, the publisher had reported over 26 million Hunger Games trilogy books in print, including movie tie-in books. The series recently ranked second, bettered only by Harry Potter, in NPR's poll of the top 100 teen novels, which asked voters to choose their favorite young adult books. On August 17, 2012, Amazon announced The Hunger Games Trilogy as its top seller, surpassing the record previously held by the Harry Potter series.

The Hunger Games follows 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12 who volunters for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her younger sister Prim. Also participating from District 12 is Peeta Mellark, a boy who has developed a secret crush on Katniss. They are mentored by District 12's only living victor, Haymitch Abernathy, who won the Games 24 years earlier and has since assumed a solitary life of alcoholism. Peeta confesses his love for Katniss in a television interview prior to the Games, leading the Capitol to portray Katniss and Peeta as "star-crossed lovers." This revelation surprises Katniss, who harbors feelings for Gale Hawthorne her friend and hunting partner. Haymitch advises Katniss to play along and feign feelings for Peeta, in order to gain wealthy sponsors who can gift them supplies during the Games. In the arena, Katniss develops an alliance with Rue, a young tribute from District 11, and is emotionally scarred when she is killed. Katniss devises a memorial for Rue as an act of defiance toward the Capitol. More than halfway through the Games, the remaining tributes are alerted to a rule change that allows both tributes from the same district to be declared victors if they are the final two standing. After learning of the change, Katniss and Peeta begin to work as a team. When all of the other tributes are dead and they appear to win the Games together, the rule change is revoked. Katniss leads Peeta in a suicide attempt, hoping that the change will be reinstated and that they will both be victorious. Their ruse is successful, and both tributes return home victorious. During and after the Games, Katniss develops genuine feelings for Peeta and struggles to balance them with the connection she feels with Gale. When it becomes clear that the Capitol is upset with her defiance, Haymitch encourages Katniss to maintain the "star-crossed lovers" act, without telling Peeta.

In Catching Fire, which begins nine months after the conclusion of The Hunger Games, Katniss learns that her defiance in the previous novel has started a chain reaction that has inspired rebellion in the districts. President Snow threatens to harm her family and friends if she does not help to quell the rebellion by marrying Peeta. Meanwhile, Peeta has become aware of Katniss' disingenuous love of him, but has also been informed of Snow's threats, and promises to help keep up the act to spare the citizens of District 12. They tour the districts as victors and plan a public wedding. While they follow Snow's orders and keep up the ruse, Katniss inadvertently fuels the rebellion, and the mockingjay pin she wears becomes its symbol. District by district, the citizens of Panem begin to stage uprisings against the Capitol. Snow announces a special 75th edition of the Hunger Games—known as the Quarter Quell—in which Katniss and Peeta are forced into competing a second time with other past victors, effectively canceling the wedding. At Haymitch's urging, the pair team up with several other tributes, managing to destroy the arena and escape the Games. Katniss is rescued by the rebel forces from District 13, and Gale informs her that the Capitol has destroyed District 12 and captured Peeta.

Mockingjay centres around the districts' rebellion against the Capitol. It is revealed that District 13 did survive The Dark Days by living underground and it is led by President Alma Coin. Katniss, after being brought to 13, agrees to become the 'Mockingjay' in attempt to recruit more rebels from the districts. However, she makes conditions that Peeta, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta, and Enobaria, victims captured by the Capitol, would not be seen as traitors and a condition where Katniss would be able to kill Snow if the rebels won as an act of vengeance. In the novel, it is revealed that Peeta has been 'hijacked' (a form of brainwashing using Tracker Jacker venom) to hate Katniss and even tries to choke her to death upon their reunion. After her healing, Katniss and a team known as the Squad, consisting of Gale, Peeta, Finnick, camera crew, and various other soldiers, embark on a mission to go to the Capitol to kill Snow, thus winning the rebellion. Throughout their mission, many members of the Squad die in various ways, including just-married Finnick. Towards the end of the book as Katniss approaches Snow's mansion, she sees a group of Capitol children protecting the entrance to the mansion as a shield and suddenly a Capitol hovercraft drops bombs, killing the children. However, due to the mercy of the rebels, they send in medics, including Katniss' younger sister Prim. An unexploded bomb goes off killing Prim instantly as soon as she notices her sister. Katniss, also injured, wakes up after being in a coma due to the bombs to hear that the Rebels have won and Snow is awaiting execution, which Katniss aims to do. After a meeting between Snow and Katniss, she finds out that it was in fact the rebels, led by Coin, who killed Prim as they hijacked a Capitol hovercraft. At Snow's execution, Katniss instead shoots Coin as an act of vengeance for her sister and Snow dies by choking on his own blood while laughing. This leads to Katniss' prosecution but she is deemed innocent as the jury believed she was not in a fit mental state. In the end, Katniss' mother and Gale both take jobs in different districts. Katniss and Peeta eventually marry and have a son and a daughter, though it is implied that all is not entirely well.

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